Wobble Box Drive Arm (JMT626931)


The wobble box drive arm (JMT670392) is a key component of the wobble box, which is a device used in harvesting. The arm connects the wobble box to the knife head, and it allows the knife head to move up and down as the grain is harvested. The arm is typically made of metal and has a splined end that fits into the wobble box.

The wobble box drive arm is a critical part of the wobble box, and it is important to make sure that it is in good condition before using the wobble box. If the arm is damaged, it could cause the knife head to malfunction, which could damage the grain.

When choosing a Wobble Box Arm (JMT670392), it is important to make sure that it is the right size for your wobble box. You should also make sure that it is made of high-quality materials.

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